Posts > Statehouse Beat: Fairs and Festivals Survive State Budget Cuts
March 31, 2014

Statehouse Beat: Fairs and Festivals Survive State Budget Cuts

Charleston Gazette – Meanwhile, Ted Boettner, executive director of the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, takes the time to read the fine print in the budget bill. Read

Boettner found at least 12 other accounts where the Legislature’s appropriations were larger than Tomblin’s proposed budget, but were not rolled back by the governor via line-item veto.

One was in Grants to Public Libraries, which the Legislature increased some $860,000 to $9,439,571, and given recent headlines, the governor probably felt it was prudent not to roll that one back.

Tomblin also let stand a $500,000 increase in the state Development Office – Division of Tourism Advertising Fund, which went up to $3,571,419.

Boettner said he assumes some or all of the $500,000 will go for the state to be a sponsor of the Greenbrier Classic PGA Tournament.

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